Thursday, November 13, 2008

How come nobody is talking about this?

With Obama in the midst of choosing his cabinet, I'm surprised that there isn't more media emphasis on who he is going to tap to be the next Secretary of the Treasury. I mean, the biggest story in the news is the failing economy right!? So, shouldn't the next prudent story is who the next Secretary of Treasury is going to be? Now, there are articles out there (today) but this very important decision is not getting as much attention as say, the Secretary of State.

Only recently, today really, the media has thrown Timothy Geithner's name out there. I'm worried about this; he's currently the President of the New York Federal Reserve and has been heavily involved in the recent bailouts of the financial sector. This means if he is tapped, we are looking at a huge friend to the current trend of investing the U.S. taxpayer dollars into companies that are going bankrupt. It's incredible how much we're putting our entire economy at risk.

If I was the President elect, I'd look across the isle and see this as a serious opportunity to put a Republican in his Cabinet. The former republican presidential candidate, Ron Paul has great credentials and should be considered for the U.S. Secretary. There are two reasons I think this would be a good this should happen.

One, Ron Paul is a good fit because he is a smart choice politically. Ron Paul would fulfill President-elect Obama's promise to put Republican in his Cabinet yet he does NOT play the partisan game and votes by his own personal conviction.

Two, he has extensive experience and knowledge on the subject of economics. He is on the Joint Economic Committee, the U.S. House Committee on Financial Services and is the ranking member of the Financial Services Subcommittee on Domestic and International Monetary Policy, Trade, and Technology.

I've got to admit, Ron Paul was my write-in for this election. Out of all of the candidates of the past year, the Ron Paul at the debates spoke to me. Some of his posts on his personal blog and some of his views, like his position on the Iraq war, I strongly disagree with. However, when it comes to current economics and the monetary history of the United States, Ron Paul has few peers.

His view on our current economic system and the reasons it has failed is a stance every one should pay attention to. Please watch the following videos and take time to learn not the details of our current economic dilemma, but the flaws within the entire system:

Here was the hearing he was talking about in the previous video:

So, my question is, why is not this man, who bucks the system, a very independent-minded Republican, and would fit into Pres. Obama's "change" motto, not being considered for the Secretary of Treasury position?

I hope by reading this, it has sparked an interest in the current political power struggle for the future decisions of our economy. There are more videos on this subject at the bottom of my blog.

Works Cited:

SIDOTI/Associated Press, Liz. "Obama's Cabinet slots filling in quickly; Geithner seems in line for treasury secretary." 22 Nov. 2008. Associated Press. 22 Nov. 2008

Paul/US House of Representatives, Ron. "Texas Straight Talk." Texas Straight Talk. 22 Nov. 2008. US House of Representatives. 22 Nov. 2008 .

Saxon/US House of Representatives, Jim, ed. "Joint Economic Committee." Joint Economic Commitee. 25 Sept. 2008. House of Representatives. 22 Nov. 2008


Bloodsweatnofear said...

Good Information! I think that the reason that you won't here him as the pick is because he does buck the system. Although I think he is right, there are to many people that do not understand what he is talking about. If you try and wipe the current way was we do buisness, I feel that would tank the economy. But, once the economy turns around and everyone's conifidence is restored, that would be the best time to "fox the problem".

Julie P.Q. said...

A good start: but I'd like to see more description of *why* Paul would be a good economic choice. Touting him as a Republican doesn't seem to be the best way to go (hasn't the country already dealt with 8 years of republican fiscal drama?).

So, give us more on Paul in you own words: show readers who don't know him too well what works with him as a sound fiscal manager. And don't forget to run that spell-checker.