Sunday, December 28, 2008

Count'em! Seven Bailouts this Year!

Since Congress couldn’t pass a bipartisan bill to help out the auto industry, the White House passed a loan to the “Big Three” on December 19th. The 17.4 billion that was approved was a redistribution of funds from the “financial bailout” that was passed earlier this year. Since it was already appropriated, the Executive Branch has the authority to put a portion of that to the auto industry.

As much as I hate to admit it, President Bush has a point. The auto industry has gotten so big; to not bail them out would be a huge blow to our overall economy. It has gotten to a point where we have to avoid a recession/depression by (once again) trying to prop up a failing industry with federal funding. This will have been the seventh time this year that our federal government has gotten involved in the private markets by buying up bad debt incurred by incompetent companies. The use of this type of policy has almost doubled in one year. Prior to our current situation the use of a bailout has only been used eight times since 1970. We can’t do this forever

Is our government trying to nationalize certain industries? The way our government is spending our tax money, buying up huge portions of certain industries; that question has suddenly become a valid one.

Or is our federal government giving out bailouts because they’re too ignorant to realize that there is a deeper underlying problem that is our Federal Reserve System. The Federal Reserve System weakens our dollar by inflating our money supply and therefore weakens our entire economy to include, eventually, huge corporations. Do they think that this extra money, this extra “band aid” is going to solve the problem? Get real. Look deeper Congress.

A bailout from our Federal Government means giving out tax money. Since our Federal Government overspends yearly, the Federal Reserve ends up printing more money further weakening the dollar, which further weakens our US purchasing power, which in the end kills businesses. It’s a cycle that turns into a slow death. Our only saving grace will be if the Ford, GM, and Chrysler CEOs show signs of competence and use the bailout money efficiently and responsibly. I would like to see signs of this, but all I see is them, in front of Congress, rebuking the idea to even lower their own salaries to help the overall health of their companies.

They finally offered to lower their salaries to $1 a year after incessant prodding from a congressional panel. I mean, it’s not like their going to go broke. They still have millions tied in stock options. If they follow the example of Steve Jobs (Apple) or Jeffrey Katzenberg (Dreamworks) maybe they’ll have a reason to work harder for their companies.

In earlier times, when a company went broke, it was the CEO and owners that suffered the worst end of it. I’ve got a feeling if we (ever) let GM, Ford, or Chrysler cease to exist or if they (ever) file for bankruptcy, Henry Ford, Allan Mulally, Robert Nardelli, and Richard Wagoner Jr. are going to be just fine. It’s the factory worker that’s going to see hard times.

Works Cited:

Paul, Ron. "Auto Bailout Speech." 10 Dec. 2008. 28 Dec. 2008 .

Mayerowitz, Scott. "The Other Side of the $1 Salary." Weblog post. 3 Dec. 2008. 28 Dec. 2008 .

Steinhauser, Paul. "Poll: Public OK with auto bailout, but no more aid." Transition of Power. 23 Dec. 2008. CNN. 28 Dec. 2008 .

Bush Jr., George W. "Re: Auto Bailout is the "Responsibile" move." Audio blog comment. Auto Bailout is the "Responsibile" move. 20 Dec. 2008. 28 Dec. 2008 .

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